But I already did this for New Year’s, I hear you say. Yes, you did. But are you on track with your goals? And do they still fit your current needs?
By reexamining your goals, you can determine where you’re at. If you’ve met your goals, set new ones. If, on the other hand, you haven’t, then you need to figure out why, as well as determine how you’re going to revamp going forward.
2. Review Your Business Plan
If your business is going well, it’s easy to just go with the old plan. It’s always wise to take a step back and review it, however. With advances in technology, changes in the industry, and the ups and downs of the economy, it may be time to review and revamp your plan.
3. Review Your Customer List
How long has it been since you last contacted your customers? Six months? Two years? Do you have current information on them, such as an updated email, address, and phone number?
These are crucial to the lifeline of your business. Your customers have a busy life, and if they don’t hear from you, it may be all too easy to forget about you. A simple check-in will let them know you’re still in business, as well as allow you to keep your list up to date.
4. Update Your Marketing Game
Unless you have someone dedicated to your marketing agenda, this may be one of those to-do items that gets lost in the mix. This can hurt your business, however. Update your social media, keep up with the latest digital trends, and don’t discount contacting customers directly. Also, keep track of the data to see what’s working and what isn’t.
5. Get Ahold of Your Finances
Are you still paying for that high-speed internet that isn’t that fast? If so, you can check out plans that are cheaper with better internet.
With that in mind, what else are you spending money on that isn’t benefitting you? A long hard look at your finances may reveal ways you’re bleeding money and didn’t know it. If you haven’t reviewed this in a while, now is the perfect time to do so.
One way to do this is to use Insta Answer. Our virtual receptionist will answer calls day or night, and it costs as little as $3 a day. Contact us for more information.