6 reasons customers switch propane companies how to keep yours
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If a potential customer calls and they have never heard of you before, they are most likely not going to trust you on your word that you are available to deliver propane.
People want a company that is already familiar to them, especially since propane deliveries can be a little scary for customers who have never had one delivered before. Here are some of the top reasons your clients might be switching propane services.

​Owning, Renting, or Borrowing

Many people are confused about how to own their own tank and pay for their propane. They don’t want the maintenance headaches or the cost of buying a tank. Others don’t have room for the tanks at their homes or businesses.
Price may be the most important reason people switch propane companies. Some companies charge more for the same amount of propane than others.

Delivery Method
Customers who switched propane companies were more likely to change their propane delivery method than those who stayed with their current provider. For example, customers who switched providers were more likely to switch from tank-to-tank delivery to direct fill than those who stayed with their current provider. They also were more likely to switch from tank-to-tank delivery to bulk or tankless tanks than those who stayed with their current provider. In other words, customers who switched providers were more likely to change their delivery method than those who stayed with their current provider.

Propane Usage
Customers who use more propane may find that they can save money by switching from one provider to another. If you’re using one tank per month or less per year, it’s unlikely that another company would offer better rates on a contract basis because their systems aren’t designed for such low usage levels. However, if you’re using two or three tanks per month or more per year, then there’s a good chance that another company could offer better rates on a contract basis because they have larger tanks and distribution networks to support higher consumption levels.

The biggest reason why customers switch propane companies is that they believe they can get a better price from another provider. Some companies have very competitive pricing and will often offer special promotions to lure new customers in and get them hooked on their services. Other companies offer more reasonable prices but don’t change their rates as often as other providers, which can make it difficult for your customers to shop around and find out what is best for them.

Many propane companies offer deals to try and attract new customers. These deals usually involve signing up with a new provider at a lower price than the current one you’re using. However, these deals are typically only offered during certain times of the year, so if you miss out on one, then you might have to wait until next year before another deal comes along.

Propane companies charge for delivery and service, but some charge more than others. Some companies even offer free delivery as an incentive to get customers to sign up with them. The costs vary by location and size of the tank, but it’s easy for consumers to see who charges what when they compare quotes from different companies in their area.

The information above will help propane company owners keep clients who are thinking about switching services. Keeping clients is good for business, so the more effective ways to appeal to customers and keep them as happy customers, the better. Call Insta Answer now to see how we’ll handle your calls!

Picture of Steve Samuels

Steve Samuels

A respected contact-service executive and thought-leader, Insta Answer CEO Steve Samuels has over 30 years experience in the industry. Steve posts his insights here on our blog weekly (and sometimes more.)

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