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If you’re considering making the switch to an outsourced customer service team, there are lots of things for you to consider. Insta Answer understands how important it is to make the right decisions for your business, so we’d like to share some benefits and drawbacks of different customer service types. After reading our list, you should be more able to make the right informed choice for your company.

In-House Customer Service Team

  • Representatives are more company-informed. Your team is highly knowledgeable about your brand, services, and products.
  • Greater data security. When customers deal directly with your business, the risk of exposing their private information is minimized. 
  • Changes are easy to implement quickly. You can communicate directly with your in-house team, and easily follow up as often as needed. 


  • Higher cost. Setting up customer service infrastructure can be very expensive. In addition to acquiring the technology you’ll need, there is also the added cost of training and employing a customer service team. 
  • Employee attention decreases productivity elsewhere. If your staff is dealing with customer service issues, it means they’re not spending their time on more technically demanding tasks. 
  • Coverage is limited. You can only take on however much the staff can handle and when. It’s very difficult for in-house teams to offer 24-hour coverage or constantly have a representative available on busy days.

Outsourced Customer Service Team

  • The most cost-effective choice. Without the price of setting up infrastructure or hiring and training dedicated staff, outsourcing can save you a lot of money. With Insta Answer, you could pay as little as $3 per day for 24/7 service. 
  • No hassle: pre-trained staff at your disposal. Our team are already highly experienced customer service experts, so your business can provide the best customer experience from day one. 
  • Scalability is simple. Whether due to busy seasons , events, or weather issues, no matter how busy you get, you will never miss a call or have to train additional staff.


  • Potential for data-breaches. Always be sure who you hire follows data security standards. 
  • Less company-informed representatives. An outsourced team might not have the same level of brand awareness as an in-house employee.
  • It takes longer to implement change. Getting messages to an outsourced team is less direct and can be more time-consuming.

Insta Answer offers all the pros of outsourced customer service, with none of the cons. We’re unique because we have over 50 years of experience in your industry, and our secure BPO-trained team is easily reachable. If you’re looking for an inexpensive, scalable, solution that offers 24/7 support, then give us a call!  Eliminate all the cons of outsourcing, so you can get back to business — or rest — while we handle the calls for you.

Picture of Steve Samuels

Steve Samuels

A respected contact-service executive and thought-leader, Insta Answer CEO Steve Samuels has over 30 years experience in the industry. Steve posts his insights here on our blog weekly (and sometimes more.)

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